Chapter 5 Metrics

5.1 Level 1

5.1.1 Drainage Area

5.1.2 Slope

5.1.3 Sinuosity

5.2 Level 2

5.2.1 Discharge

5.2.2 XS Area

5.2.3 XS Width

5.2.4 XS Depth

  • maximum depth
  • mean depth

5.2.5 XS Width to Depth Ratio

5.2.6 Entrenchment Ratio

5.2.7 Shear Stress

  • density

5.2.8 Stream Power

  • unit

5.3 Level 3

5.3.1 Bend Radius of Curvature

5.3.2 Meander Length

5.3.3 Meander Bend Width

5.3.4 Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width Ratio

5.3.5 Meander Bend Width to Bankfull Width Ratio