Chapter 4 Toolbox

This chapter describes the FluvialGeomorph toolbox structure and the products it creates. This chapter begins with a description of the platforms used, the structure of the FluvialGeomorph ArcGIS toolbox and concludes with a description of the products created.

4.1 Platforms

The FluvialGeomorph toolbox uses ESRI and open source software to combine several platforms, each chosen based on their strengths, to construct a custom toolbox for rapid fluvial geomorphology analysis.

  • ArcGIS Desktop -Desktop (ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro) are industry standard enterprise desktop GIS products for conducting geospatial analysis. The ArcGIS desktop applications contain an enormous number of commercial-off-the shelf (COTS) geospatial tools for performing sophisticated analyses and visualization.
  • ArcGIS toolbox - ArcGIS Desktop allows for the creation of sophisticated custom geospatial toolboxes to be built that combine ESRI’s COTS geoprocessing tools with user created tools from several platforms (e.g., Python, R).
  • Python - ArcGIS provides a robust scripting interface to its GIS tools using the Python language. Custom geospatial toolboxes can combine ESRI’s COTS geoprocessing tools with tools available within the diverse, mature, and ever-growing Python data science ecosystem.
  • R - ESRI’s ArcGIS R-bridge product allows R tools to be called within the ArcGIS toolbox interface. This allows ArcGIS tools to take advantage of the mature ecosystem of R data science, statistical, visualization, and report generation packages.

4.2 Packages

The FluvialGeomorph toolbox is composed of a set of tightly connected packages that work together to complete the analysis. Modular design was a conscious architectural decision made to take advantage of the best tools and to help support long-term maintenance. Links are provided below to each package’s online code repository.

  • The FluvialGeomorph toolbox - This is the primary user-facing software component. It is an ArcGIS toolbox organized as a Python package. The custom Python tools in this toolbox perform primarily geospatial operations, where the ESRI platform excels (e.g., linear referencing). It also performs the installation of the needed R packages.
  • The fluvgeo R package - This custom R package developed for this project contains the bulk of the data science, statistical, visualization, and reporting functions, where the R platform excels.
  • The RegionalCurve R package - This custom R package developed for this project contains the data and functions for accessing regional hydraulic geometry studies.

4.3 ArcGIS Toolbox

The FluvialGeomorph toolbox contains a set of tools for analyzing streams. These tools are divided into four toolsets.

4.3.1 01 - Install toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to hold the tools needed to install and troubleshoot the FluvialGeomorph toolbox software components. Install R Packages

Purpose - This tool installs the R packages required by the FluvialGeomorph toolbox using these instructions in the user manual. This tool also sets several configuration settings.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/install/Install_FG_R.R. R Session Info

Purpose - This tool provides the output of the current R session. This is helpful for troubleshooting R environment issues during installation.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/install/session.R.

4.3.2 02 - Tools toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to hold the tools that perform the FluvialGeomorph analysis. 02 - Hydro DEM

Purpose - This tool “burns” (sets the elevation to the same value for all pixels along the extent of the polyline feature) a cutlines feature class into the supplied DEM and creates the dem_hydro in the output workspace using these instructions in the user manual. See this section for a detailed discussion of why hydro modification is required.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.1: Hydro DEM Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
cutlines Feature Class Path to the cutlines feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
widen_cells long Number of cells to widen the cutline by. optional
02 - Hydro DEM Tool Dialog.

Figure 4.1: 02 - Hydro DEM Tool Dialog. 03 - Contributing Area

Purpose - This tool calculates the D-infinity contributing area for each pixel in the input DEM and creates a contributing_area raster in the output workspace using these instructions in the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/ This Python script uses the TauDEM D-Infinity Contributing Area tool to calculate the specific catchment area (which is the contributing area per unit contour length using the multiple flow direction D-infinity approach).

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.2: Contributing Area Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
processes long The number of stripes that the DEM will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each of the stripes. It is recommended to use no more than the number of cores on your computer. required
03 - Contributing Area Tool.

Figure 4.2: 03 - Contributing Area Tool. 03a - Contributing Area D8

Purpose - This tool creates the D8 flow_accumulation_d8 and flow_direction_d8 rasters in the output workspace for a given input DEM using these instructions in the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.3: Contributing Area D8 Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
processes long The number of stripes that the DEM will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each of the stripes. It is recommended to use no more than the number of cores on your computer. required
03a - Contributing Area D8 Tool.

Figure 4.3: 03a - Contributing Area D8 Tool. 04 - Stream Network

Purpose - This tool creates the synthetic flow network stream_network polyline feature class from a contributing_area raster for a given stream initiation threshold using these instruction in the user manual.

Code - The ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.4: Stream Network Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
contrib_area Raster Dataset Path to the D-Infinity contributing area raster created by the Contributing Area tool. required
threshold long Flow accumulation threshold to initiate a stream expressed in the units of the source DEM used to accumulate the flow. required
processes long The number of stripes that the DEM will be divided into and the number of MPI parallel processes that will be spawned to evaluate each of the stripes. It is recommended to use no more than the number of cores on your computer. required
04 - Stream Network Tool.

Figure 4.4: 04 - Stream Network Tool. 04a - Stream Network Points

Purpose - This tool converts the stream_network to the stream_network_points points feature class using the these instructions from the user manual. This tool extracts elevation information from the DEM and calculates the drainage area.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.5: Stream Network Points Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
stream_network Feature Class Path to the edited stream_network feature class. required
flow_accum Raster Dataset Path to the flow accumulation model. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
04a - Stream Network Point Tool.

Figure 4.5: 04a - Stream Network Point Tool. 04b - Slope and Sinuosity

Purpose - This tool calculates the gradient_* points feature class for a flowline_points or stream_network feature class using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/_04b_Gradient.R. This Python script call the R function fluvgeo::slope_sinuosity.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.6: Stream Network Points Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
flowline_points_fc Feature Class The full path to a flowline_points feature class. required
gradient_distance double The number of features to lead (upstream) and lag (downstream) to calculate the slope and sinuosity. Must be an integer. required
use_smoothing Boolean Determines if smoothed elevation values are used to calculate gradient and sinuosity (default is FALSE). required
loess_span double The loess regression span parameter (defaults to 0.05). required
04b - Slope and Sinuosity Tool.

Figure 4.6: 04b - Slope and Sinuosity Tool. 04c - Watershed

Purpose - This tool creates the watershed polygon feature class in the output workspace using these instructions from the user manual. This tool calculates the extent of the upstream drainage area for each point feature in the input watershed_points point feature class. This tool optionally calculates the landcover proportion in each watershed feature.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.7: Watershed Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
points Feature Class Path to the watershed_points feature class. required
point_ID_field Field Field in the watershed_points feature class that contains the point IDs. required
flow_accumulation_d8 Raster Dataset Path to the flow accumulation model. required
flow_direction_d8 Raster Dataset Path to the flow_direction_d8 model (must use D8 method). required
snap_distance double The distance the point will be snapped to find the cell of highest flow accumulation. required
landcover Raster Dataset Path to a categorical land cover raster. optional
04c - Watershed Tool.

Figure 4.7: 04c - Watershed Tool. 05 - Flowline

Purpose - This tool creates a flowline feature class in the output workspace using these instructions from the user manual. This tool uses an edited stream_network feature class to derive the flowline.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.8: Flowline Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
stream_network Feature Class Path to the edited stream_network feature class. required
smooth_tolerance long The PAEK smoothing tolerance that controls the calculating of new vertices. Acceptable smoothing occurs with values between 2 - 5. required
05 - Flowline Tool.

Figure 4.8: 05 - Flowline Tool. 06 - Flowline Points

Purpose - This tool creates a flowline_points feature class in the output workspace using these instructions from the user manual. This tool converts a stream flowline feature class to a route and begins the stationing using the km_to_mouth parameter. This tool can optionally calibrate the output flowline_points using a point feature class.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.9: Flowline Points Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
flowline Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
km_to_mouth double Kilometers to the mouth of the study area outlet. required
station_distance double Distance between output flowline station points (in the linear units of the flowline feature class). required
calibration_points Feature Class A point feature class used to calibrate the output flowline_points. optional
point_ID_field Field The field that identifies the route on which each calibration point is located.The values in this field match those in the route identifier field. This field can be numeric or character. If using a flowline_points feature class, the id_field is “ReachName.” optional
measure_field Field The field containing the measure value for each calibration point. This field must be numeric. If using a flowline_points feature class, the measure_field is “POINT_M.” optional
search_radius string Limits how far a calibration point can be from a route by specifying the distance and its unit of measure (e.g., “25 Meters”). If the units of measure are not specified, the same units as the coordinate system of the route feature class will be used. optional
06 - Flowline Points Tool.

Figure 4.9: 06 - Flowline Points Tool. 07 - Detrend DEM

This tool creates the detrend raster using these instructions from the user manual. This tool uses flowline_points to remove the elevation trend from the stream reach. See this section for a detailed discussion on detrended DEMs.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.10: Detrend DEM Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
flowline Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
flowline_points Feature Class Path to the flowline_points feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
buffer distance double Distance the flowline_points feature class will be buffered to define the extent of the output detrended DEM. Units are defined by the coordinate system of the DEM. required
07 - Detrend Tool.

Figure 4.10: 07 - Detrend Tool. 08 - Water Surface Extent

Purpose - This tool creates the banks_raw polygon feature class using these Level 1 instructions from the user manual and these instructions for Level 2.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.11: Water Surface Extent Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
detrend_dem Raster Dataset Path to the detrended digital elevation model (DEM). required
detrend_value double Detrended elevation value used to define the innundated area. All raster values below this value will be extracted to a polygon. required
smoothing double Smoothing factor (0, no smoothing - 5, high smoothing) required
08 - Water Surface Extent Tool.

Figure 4.11: 08 - Water Surface Extent Tool. 09 - Channel Slope

Purpose - This tool creates the channel_slope raster using these instructions in the user manual. This tool uses banks extent polygon to calculate a slope raster for the channel area.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.12: Channel Slope Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
banks_poly Feature Class Path to a banks polygon feature class representing the channel area for which slope will be calculated. required
z_factor double Number of ground x,y units in one surface z unit. required
09 - Channel Slope Tool.

Figure 4.12: 09 - Channel Slope Tool. 10 - Centerline

Purpose - This tool creates the centerline polyline feature class using these instructions for Level 1 and Level 2 from the user manual. The centerline is the strem flow path that lies midway between the banks at bankfull.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.13: Centerline Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
banks_poly Feature Class Path to a banks polygon representing the channel area for which slope will be calculated. required
smooth_tolerance long The PAEK smoothing tolerance that controls the calculating of new vertices. Acceptable smoothing occurs with values between 2 - 5. required
10 - Centerline Tool.

Figure 4.13: 10 - Centerline Tool. 11 - XS Layout

Purpose - This tool creates the xs_* polyline feature class using these instructions from the user manual. This tool creates a set of regularly spaced cross sections along the input flowline at the specified longitudinal spacing and lateral width. The output feature class is named xs_<transect_spacing>_<transect_width>.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.14: Cross Section Layout Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
flowline Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
split_type string Method for placing cross sections along the flowline. “Split at approximate distance” places cross sections along the flowline at the value of transect_spacing. “Split at vertices” places cross sections at the nearest existing flowline vertex. required
transect_spacing double The distance between cross sections as measured along the flowline. Uses units of the input flowline. required
transect_width double The width of the cross section as measured from the flowline to its furthest outside point. Therefore, a value of 50 ft for transect_width will result in a cross section with an overall width of 100 ft (50 ft on the right descending bank and 50 ft on the left descending bank). required
transect_width_unit string The unit of the transect_width. required
11 - XS Layout Tool.

Figure 4.14: 11 - XS Layout Tool. 12 - XS Watershed Area

Purpose - This tool adds or updates the field Watershed_Area_SqMile to the input cross section feature class using these instructions for Level 1 and Level 2 from the user manual. This field records the upstream drainage area for the cross section.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.15: Cross Section watershed Area Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
cross_section Feature Class Path to the cross section line feature class. required
flowline Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
flow_accum Raster Dataset Path to the flow accumulation model. required
snap_distance double The distance the point will be snapped to find the cell of highest flow accumulation. required
12 - XS Watershed Area Tool.

Figure 4.15: 12 - XS Watershed Area Tool. 13 - XS River Position

Purpose - This tool adds or updates the field km_to_mouth to the input cross section feature class using these instructions for Level 1 and Level 2 from the user manual. This field records the distance of the cross section from the mouth of the site.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/blob/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.16: Cross Section River Position Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
cross_section Feature Class Path to the cross section line feature class. required
flowline_points Feature Class Path to the flowline_points feature class. required
13 - XS River Position Tool.

Figure 4.16: 13 - XS River Position Tool. 13a - XS Resequence

Purpose - This tools reorders the values of the Seq field for the input cross section feature class using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.17: Cross Section Resequence Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
xs_fc Feature Class Path to a cross section feature class. required
start_seq long The starting value of the Seq field. required
13a - XS Resequence Tool.

Figure 4.17: 13a - XS Resequence Tool. 14 - XS Points

Purpose - This tool creates the *_points points feature class using the these instructions for Level 1 and Level 2 from the user manual. This tool converts a cross section polyline feature class (i.e., xs_*, riffle_floodplain, riffle_channel) into a series of points stationed at the station_distance along the input cross section. The name of the input cross section prepended to the output feature class: <cross_section name>_points.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.18: Cross Section Points Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
cross_section Feature Class Path to the cross section line feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
dem_units string Vertical units of the DEM. Select one of “m” or “ft.” required
detrend_dem Raster Dataset Path to the detrended digital elevation model (DEM). required
station_distance double Distance between output flowline station points (in the linear units of the flowline feature class). required
14 - XS Points Tool.

Figure 4.18: 14 - XS Points Tool. 14b - Bankline Points

Purpose - This tool creates the bankline_points using these instructions in the user manual. This tool uses the loop_points and valleyline that the analyst manually created in previous steps.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.19: Bankline Points Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
loop_points Feature Class Path to the loop_points feature class. required
banklines Feature Class Path to the banklines feature class. required
valleyline Feature Class Path to the valleyline feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
station_distance double Distance between output flowline station points (in the linear units of the flowline feature class). required
14b - Bankline Points Tool.

Figure 4.19: 14b - Bankline Points Tool. 14c - XS Assign Loops

Purpose - This tool assigns loops and bends to input cross section feature class using the input bankline_points using these instructions in the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.20: Assign Loops Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
cross_section Feature Class Path to the cross section line feature class. required
bankline_points Feature Class Path to the bankline_points feature class. required
14c - XS Assign Loops Tool.

Figure 4.20: 14c - XS Assign Loops Tool. 15a - XS Dimensions, Level 1

purpose - This tool calculates Level 1 cross section dimensions for the input cross section feature class (i.e., regular cross sections) using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/_15a_XSDimensions.R which calls the R function fluvgeo::cross_section_dimensions_L1.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.21: XS Dimensions, Level 1 Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
xs_fc Feature Class Path to a cross section feature class. required
lead_n long The number of cross sections to lead (upstream) and lag (downstream) on either side of each cross section to calculate the slope and sinuosity. Must be an integer. required
use_smoothing Boolean Determines if smoothed elevation values are used to calculate gradient and sinuosity (default is FALSE). required
loess_span double The loess regression span parameter (defaults to 0.05). required
vert_units string The DEM vertical units. One of: “m” (meter), “ft” (foot), “us-ft” (us survey foot). required
15a - XS Dimensions, Level 1 Tool.

Figure 4.21: 15a - XS Dimensions, Level 1 Tool. 15b - XS Dimensions, Level 2

Purpose - This tool calculates Level 3 cross section dimensions for the input cross section feature class (i.e., regular cross sections, riffle cross sections) using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/_15b_XSDimensions.R

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.22: XS Dimensions, Level 2 Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
xs_fc Feature Class Path to a cross section feature class. required
xs_points_fc Feature Class The path to an cross section points feature class. required
bankfull_elevation double The bankfull elevation (in detrended feet) that is used to calculate hydraulic geometry. required
lead_n long The number of cross sections to lead (upstream) and lag (downstream) on either side of each cross section to calculate the slope and sinuosity. Must be an integer. required
use_smoothing Boolean Determines if smoothed elevation values are used to calculate gradient and sinuosity (default is FALSE). required
loess_span double The loess regression span parameter (defaults to 0.05). required
vert_units string The DEM vertical units. One of: “m” (meter), “ft” (foot), “us-ft” (us survey foot). required
discharge_method string The method for calculating discharge (Q). Must be one of: “model_measure,” “regional_curve,” “width_relationship.” required
discharge_value double The discharge value (single value or vector) to use for the stream power calculation. Required if discharge_method = “model_measure.” optional
region string The regional curve name used to calculate discharge. Required if discharge_method = “regional_curve.” This parameter is passed to the RegionalCurve::RHG function. See the RegionalCurve package for a list of regions with discharge relationships. optional
drainage_area double The drainage area (single value or vector) used by the RegionalCurve::RHG function to calculate discharge. Required if discharge_method = “regional_curve.” optional
width_method string The name of the width relationship used to calculate discharge (Q) from width. Required if discharge_method = “width_relationship.” Must be one of: . optional
15b - XS Dimensions, Level 2 Tool.

Figure 4.22: 15b - XS Dimensions, Level 2 Tool. 15c - XS Planform, Level 3

Purpose - This tool calculates Level 3 cross section dimensions for the input cross section feature class (i.e., regular cross sections, riffle cross sections) using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph/FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/_15c_XSPlanform.R which calls the R functions fluvgeo::planform_dimensions to calculate the planform dimensions and fluvgeo::xs_metric_ratios to calculate the metric ratios.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.23: XS Dimensions, Level 3 Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
xs_dimensions Feature Class Path to a Level 2 cross section dimension line feature class. required
bankline_points Feature Class Path to an bankline_points point feature class. required
15b - XS Dimensions, Level 3 Tool.

Figure 4.23: 15b - XS Dimensions, Level 3 Tool. 16 - XS RAS Watersurface

Purpose - This tool adds or updates the field ras_wse_* to a cross section dimensions feature class using these instructions for Level 2 and Level 3 from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the Python script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/tools/

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.24: XS RAS Watersurface Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
output_workspace Workspace Path to the output workspace. required
xs_dimensions Feature Class Path to a cross section dimension line feature class. required
RAS_depth string Path to the RAS model depth raster (elevation units feet). required
RAS_model_name string Name of the RAS model that the depth raster represents. This name will be used to name the calculated WSE fields. required
16 - XS RAS Watersurface Tool.

Figure 4.24: 16 - XS RAS Watersurface Tool.

4.3.3 03 - Reports toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to hold the tools that produce the FluvialGeomorph reports. Graph - Longitudinal Profile Compare

Purpose - This tool produces the longitudinal profile plot from the flowline_points feature classes of a stream reach taken from one or more surveys. This tool compares longitudinal profile plots from multiple surveys. It labels the plot using the features feature class along the x-axis.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox\report\_Longitudinal_Profile_Compare.R which calls the R function fluvgeo::compare_long_profile.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.25: Longitudinal Profile Compare Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
stream string The name of the stream reach. required
flowline_points_1 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the first survey. required
flowline_points_2 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the second survey. optional
flowline_points_3 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the third survey. optional
flowline_points_4 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the fourth survey. optional
survey_name_1 string The label to use for the first survey. required
survey_name_2 string The label to use for the second survey. optional
survey_name_3 string The label to use for the third survey. optional
survey_name_4 string The label to use for the fourth survey. optional
features_fc Feature Class A stream reach features feature class. required
profile_units string The units of the longitudinal profile. required
Graph - Longitudinal Profile Compare Tool.

Figure 4.25: Graph - Longitudinal Profile Compare Tool. Graph - XS Longitudinal Profile Compare

Tool in progress. Map - Reach Overview

Purpose - This tool produces a reach overview map figure from a flowline and a regular cross section or a riffle cross section feature class.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/report/_Reach_Overview_Map.R which calls the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_overview.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.26: Reach Overview Map Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
flowline Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
cross_section Feature Class Path to a cross section feature class. required
xs_label_freq double An integer indicating the frequency of cross section labels. required
background string The type of map background. One of “aerial” or “elevation.” required
exaggeration double The degree of terrain exaggeration. required
extent_factor double The amount the extent is expanded around the cross section feature class. Values greater than one zoom out, values less than one zoom in. required
Map - Reach Overview Tool.

Figure 4.26: Map - Reach Overview Tool. Report - L1

Purpose - This tool produces the Level 1 Report using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/report/_Level_1_Report.R which calls the R function fluvgeo::level_1_report.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.27: Reach Overview Map Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
stream string The name of the stream reach. required
flowline_fc Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
xs_dimensions_fc Feature Class The path to a Level 1 cross section dimensions feature class. required
flowline_points_1 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the first survey. required
flowline_points_2 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the second survey. optional
flowline_points_3 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the third survey. optional
flowline_points_4 Feature Class Path to the flowline points feature class of the fourth survey. optional
xs_points_1 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the first time period. required
xs_points_2 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the second time period. optional
xs_points_3 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the third time period. optional
xs_points_4 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the fourth time period. optional
survey_name_1 string The label to use for the first survey. required
survey_name_2 string The label to use for the second survey. optional
survey_name_3 string The label to use for the third survey. optional
survey_name_4 string The label to use for the fourth survey. optional
features_fc Feature Class A stream reach features feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
show_xs_map boolean Add the cross section maps to the report? required
profile_units string The units of the longitudinal profile. required
aerial boolean Display an overview map with an aerial photo background? required
elevation boolean Display an overview map with an elevation background? required
xs_label_freq double An integer indicating the frequency of cross section labels. required
exaggeration double The degree of terrain exaggeration. required
extent_factor double The amount the extent is expanded around the cross section feature class. Values greater than one zoom out, values less than one zoom in. required
output_dir Folder The path to the folder in which to write the report. required
output_format string The file format of the report. One of “html_document,” “word_document,” “pdf_document.” required
Level 1 Report.

Figure 4.27: Level 1 Report. Report - L2 Estimate Bankfull

Purpose - This tool produces the Estimate Bankfull Report using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/report/_Estimate_Bankfull.R.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.28: Estimate Bankfull Report Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
stream string The name of the stream reach. required
flowline_fc Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
xs_dims_fc Feature Class The path to a riffle_channel_dims_L2 feature class. required
xs_points_ch_1 Feature Class The path to the riffle_channel_points feature class for the first time period. required
xs_points_ch_2 Feature Class The path to the riffle_channel_points feature class for the second time period. optional
xs_points_ch_3 Feature Class The path to the riffle_channel_points feature class for the third time period. optional
xs_points_ch_4 Feature Class The path to the riffle_channel_points feature class for the fourth time period. optional
xs_points_fp_1 Feature Class The path to the riffle_floodplain_points feature class for the first time period. required
xs_points_fp_2 Feature Class The path to the riffle_floodplain_points feature class for the second time period. optional
xs_points_fp_3 Feature Class The path to the riffle_floodplain_points feature class for the third time period. optional
xs_points_fp_4 Feature Class The path to the riffle_floodplain_points feature class for the fourth time period. optional
survey_name_1 string The label to use for the first survey. required
survey_name_2 string The label to use for the second survey. optional
survey_name_3 string The label to use for the third survey. optional
survey_name_4 string The label to use for the fourth survey. optional
features_fc Feature Class A stream reach features feature class. required
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
show_xs_map boolean Add the cross section maps to the report? required
regions string value list The regions that a dimension will be required
from_elevation double The detrended elevation (in feet) to begin calculating Goodness of Fit (GOF) measures. required
to_elevation double The detrended elevation (in feet) to end calculating Goodness of Fit (GOF) measures. required
by_elevation double The detrended elevation (in feet) to step by for calculating Goodness of Fit (GOF) measures. required
bf_estimate double The detrended bankfull elevation (in feet) that is used to calculate hydraulic geometry. required
stat string The statistic to graph “RMSE,” “MAE” (the default). required
label_xs Boolean Label cross sections? required
profile_units string The units of the longitudinal profile. required
aerial boolean Display an overview map with an aerial photo background? required
elevation boolean Display an overview map with an elevation background? required
xs_label_freq double An integer indicating the frequency of cross section labels. required
exaggeration double The degree of terrain exaggeration. required
extent_factor double The amount the extent is expanded around the cross section feature class. Values greater than one zoom out, values less than one zoom in. required
output_dir Folder The path to the folder in which to write the report. required
output_format string The file format of the report. One of “html_document,” “word_document,” “pdf_document.” required
Estimate Bankfull Tool.

Figure 4.28: Estimate Bankfull Tool. Report - L2

Purpose - This tool produces the Level 2 Report using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/report/_Level_2_Report.R which calls the R function fluvgeo::level_2_report.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.29: Level 2 Report Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
stream string The name of the stream reach. required
flowline_fc Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
xs_dims_fc Feature Class The path to a riffle_channel_dims_L2 feature class. required
xs_points_1 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the first time period. required
xs_points_2 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the second time period. optional
xs_points_3 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the third time period. optional
xs_points_4 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the fourth time period. optional
survey_name_1 string The label to use for the first survey. required
survey_name_2 string The label to use for the second survey. optional
survey_name_3 string The label to use for the third survey. optional
survey_name_4 string The label to use for the fourth survey. optional
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
banklines_fc Feature Class The path to the banklines feature class. required
features_fc Feature Class A stream reach features feature class. required
bf_estimate double The detrended bankfull elevation (in feet) that is used to calculate hydraulic geometry. required
regions string value list The regions that a dimension will be required
label_xs Boolean Label cross sections? required
show_xs_map boolean Add the cross section maps to the report? required
profile_units string The units of the longitudinal profile. required
aerial boolean Display an overview map with an aerial photo background? required
elevation boolean Display an overview map with an elevation background? required
xs_label_freq double An integer indicating the frequency of cross section labels. required
exaggeration double The degree of terrain exaggeration. required
extent_factor double The amount the extent is expanded around the cross section feature class. Values greater than one zoom out, values less than one zoom in. required
output_dir Folder The path to the folder in which to write the report. required
output_format string The file format of the report. One of “html_document,” “word_document,” “pdf_document.” required
Level 2 Report.

Figure 4.29: Level 2 Report. Report - L3

Purpose - This tool produces the Level 3 Report using these instructions in the user manual.

Code - This ArcGIS script tool calls the R script FluvialGeomorph-toolbox/report/_Level_3_Report.R which called the R function fluvgeo::level_3_report.

Parameters - This tool contains the following parameters:

Table 4.30: Level 3 Report Tool Parameters.
Parameter Type Description Required
stream string The name of the stream reach. required
flowline_fc Feature Class Path to the flowline feature class. required
xs_fc Feature Class Path to a cross section feature class. required
xs_points_1 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the first time period. required
xs_points_2 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the second time period. optional
xs_points_3 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the third time period. optional
xs_points_4 Feature Class The path to a cross section points feature class for the fourth time period. optional
survey_name_1 string The label to use for the first survey. required
survey_name_2 string The label to use for the second survey. optional
survey_name_3 string The label to use for the third survey. optional
survey_name_4 string The label to use for the fourth survey. optional
dem Raster Dataset Path to the digital elevation model (DEM). required
banklines_fc Feature Class The path to the banklines feature class. required
features_fc Feature Class A stream reach features feature class. required
bf_estimate double The detrended bankfull elevation (in feet) that is used to calculate hydraulic geometry. required
regions string value list The regions that a dimension will be required
label_xs Boolean Label cross sections? required
show_xs_map boolean Add the cross section maps to the report? required
profile_units string The units of the longitudinal profile. required
aerial boolean Display an overview map with an aerial photo background? required
elevation boolean Display an overview map with an elevation background? required
xs_label_freq double An integer indicating the frequency of cross section labels. required
exaggeration double The degree of terrain exaggeration. required
extent_factor double The amount the extent is expanded around the cross section feature class. Values greater than one zoom out, values less than one zoom in. required
output_dir Folder The path to the folder in which to write the report. required
output_format string The file format of the report. One of “html_document,” “word_document,” “pdf_document.” required
Level 3 Report.

Figure 4.30: Level 3 Report.

4.3.4 04 - Symbology toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to hold the tools that standardize the symbolization of FluvialGeomorph datasets. Given the complexity of the datasets involved in this analysis, consistent symbolization improves interpretation and speeds analysis. Banklines

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the banklines feature class. Contibuting Area

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the contributing_area feature class. Cross Section

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the cross section feature classes (i.e., regular cross sections, riffle_floodplain and riffle_channel, and cross section dimensions). DEM

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the dem_hydro raster. Features

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the features feature class. Flowline

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the flowline feature class. Flowline Points

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the flowline_points feature class. Loop Points

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the loop_points feature class. Valleyline

Applies standard FluvialGeomorph symbology to the valleyline feature class.

4.3.5 05 - Check toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to hold the tools used to check FluvialGeomorph features for some common, preventable errors. Check Banklines

This ArcGIS script tool checks the banklines feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_banklines. Check Bankline Points

This ArcGIS script tool checks the bankline_points feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_bankline_points. Check Cross Section

This ArcGIS script tool checks the cross section feature classes (i.e., regular cross sections, riffle_floodplain and riffle_channel, and cross section dimensions) using the R function fluvgeo::check_cross_section. Check Cross Section Points

This ArcGIS script tool checks the cross section points, *_points feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_cross_section_points. Check Features

This ArcGIS script tool checks the features feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_cross_section_points. Check Flowline

This ArcGIS script tool checks the flowline feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_flowline. Check Flowline Points

This ArcGIS script tool checks the flowline_points feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_flowline_points. Check Loop Points

This ArcGIS script tool checks the loop_points feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_loop_points. Check Valleyline

This ArcGIS script tool checks the valleyline feature class using the R function fluvgeo::check_valleyline.

4.3.6 06 - Export toolset

The purpose of this toolset is to export the tabular data from geospatial datasets for further analysis. Level 1

This ArcGIS script tool exports the tabular data from these Level 1 feature classes: flowline_points, regular cross sections, cross section points, and features. Level 2 Level 3

4.4 Feature Classes

FluvialGeomorph defines a standard set of feature classes that are used through the tool chain. The definition of a common set of derived features is an important step in standardizing the FluvialGeomorph workflow. These database objects form a tightly linked set of features that work together in a particular order to accomplish the analysis. They are presented here in the approximate order in which they are produced.

4.4.1 Study Area

The study_area polygon feature class is created manually by the analyst using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.31: Study Area Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
none 1

4.4.2 Terrain Model Raster

The GIS analyst follows these instructions from the user manual using standard ESRI geoprocessing tools to transform a LiDAR point cloud dataset covering the study area into an appropriately resolute (pixel cell size) digital elevation model (DEM). Only points representing the ground or water surface are selected from the point cloud to derive the terrain surface DEM. This raster dataset is named dem, but can also have a suffix added to represent its year of collection in change studies. Follow these instructions from

Table 4.32: DEM Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
Z 32 bit float The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1

4.4.3 Cutlines

The cutlines polyline feature class is created manually by the analyst using these instructions from the user manual. The cutlines polyline feature class is used to store geometry needed to hydrologically modify a terrain model to ensure that water can accurately flow over the land surface as it does in the real world. LiDAR derived terrain models frequently contain flow blockages (e.g., road berms) that must be “cut-through” to represent the presence of flow structures (e.g., culverts, bridges) that cannot be resolved directly from the LiDAR terrain model.

Table 4.33: Cutlines Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
none 1

4.4.4 Hydro Modified Raster

Before the dem terrain model raster can be used for synthetically deriving stream features, it must first be hydrologically modified using the cutlines feature class to “burn” flow paths into the dem raster. The 02 - Hydro DEM tool creates a “hydro-enforced” DEM named dem_hydro using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.34: Hydro DEM Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
Z 32 bit float The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1

4.4.5 Contributing Area Raster

The 03 - Contributing Area tool uses the dem_hydro raster to create a contributing_area raster whose values store the drainage area upstream of each pixel using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.35: Contributing Area Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
contributing_area 32 bit float The specific catchment area. linear units of fc 1

4.4.6 Flow Accumulation Raster

The 03a - Contributing Area D8 tool is used to calculate the flow_accumulation_d8 raster whose values represent the number of upstream pixels using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.36: Flow Accumulation D8 Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level

4.4.7 Flow Direction Raster

The 03a - Contributing Area D8 tool is used to calculate the flow_direction_d8 raster whose values represent the direction of flow across each pixel using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.37: Flow Direction D8 Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
flow_direction_d8 32 bit float The direction of flow from each cell to its downslope neighbor. D8 flow direction 1

4.4.8 Stream Network

The 04 - Stream Network tool uses the contributing_area raster to derive a synthetic stream_network polyline feature class representing the stream network of the study area using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.38: Stream Network Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1

4.4.9 Stream Network Points

The 04a - Stream Network Points tool creates the stream_network_points point feature class to represent regularly spaced points along a stream_network feature class using these instructions from the user manual. These stream_network_points features are used to store elevation and route position (longitudinal stream stationing) information for a stream_network feature.

Table 4.39: Stream Network Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 1
Watershed_Area_SqMile double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 1
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1

4.4.10 Gradient

The 04b - Slope and Sinuosity tool creates the gradient_* point feature class that calculates slope and sinuosity for a stream_network_points point feature class using these instructions in the user manual. The gradient_* point feature class is named using the moving window size specified.

Table 4.40: Gradient Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 1
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1
z_smooth double The smoothed z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1
upstream_x double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the next upsteam point in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
upstream_y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the next upsteam point in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_x double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the next downsteam point in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the next downsteam point in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
upstream_z double The z-coordinate value (elevation) of the next upstream point in the moving window. feet, NAVD88 1
downstream_z double The z-coordinate value (elevation) of the next downstream point in the moving window. feet, NAVD88 1
upstream_m double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the next upstream point in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_m double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the next downstreampoint in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
rise double The elevation difference between the downstream and upstream point in the moving window. feet 1
run double The longitudinal distance along the stream network between the downstream and upstream point in the moving window. feet 1
stream_length double The longitudinal distance along the stream network between the downstream and upstream point in the moving window. feet 1
valley_length double The longitudinal distance along the valleyline between the downstream and upstream stream network point in the moving window. feet 1
sinuosity double The sinuosity of the stream within the moving window (valley_length/stream_length). 1
sinuosity_gte_one double The sinuosity metric, values greater than or equal to one. 1
slope double The slope of the stream within the moving window (rise/run). degree 1
slope_gte_zero double The slope metric, values greater than of equal to zero. degree 1

4.4.11 Watershed Points

The watershed_points feature class is manually created by the analyst using the stream_network_points feature class following these instructions from the user manual. The watershed_points point feature class is used to represent the downstream location of watersheds whose areal extent is to be calculated. These single points are sometimes referred to as “pour points” located along a stream network.

Table 4.41: Watershed Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 1
Watershed_Area_SqMile double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 1
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1

4.4.12 Watershed

The 04c - Watershed tool creates the watershed polygon feature class and represent the drainage area upstream of a single point (aka “pour point”) located along a stream network. All pixels within each watershed polygon feature flow to the stream network point used to derive the watershed using these instructions from the user manual.

Table 4.42: Watershed Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
Shape_Area double The area of the watershed. linear units of fc 1

4.4.13 Flowline

The 05 - Flowline tool creates the flowline polyline feature class and is used to represent the likely flow path of a stream reach within a study area using these instructions from the user manual. This is the primary flow path feature used in the FluvialGeomorph toolbox. Since non-bathymetric LiDAR is often used to derive flowline features, this should not be interpreted as the thalweg when water is present in the DEM.

Table 4.43: Flowline Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1

4.4.14 Flowline Points

The 06 - Flowline Points tool creates the flowline_points point feature class and is used to represent regularly spaced points along a flowline feature class using these instructions from the user manual. These flowline_points features are used to store elevation and route position (longitudinal stream stationing) information for a flowline feature. flowline_points are used to calculate a series of stream longitudinal dimensions.

Table 4.44: Flowline Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). 1
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1

4.4.15 Detrended Raster

The 07 - Detrend DEM tool creates the detrend raster dataset using these instruction from the user manual. The detrend raster is an elevation model where the downstream slope of the dem_hydro has been removed.

Table 4.45: Hydro DEM Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
detrend_Z 32 bit float The detrended z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, detrended 1

4.4.16 Channel Slope Raster

The 09 - Channel Slope tool creates the channel_slope raster using these instructions from the user manual. The channel_slope raster represents the slope of the dem_hydro within the channel. This is not to be confused with the longitudinal slope of the stream reach, but is the pixel-wise, raster surface slope of the channel area.

Table 4.46: Channel Slope Raster Pixel Values.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
slope 32 bit float The terrain slope. degree 1

4.4.17 Centerline

The 10 - Centerline tool creates the centerline polyline feature class using these instructions from the user manual. The centerline polyline feature class is used to represent a stream flow path that falls roughly equidistant between the banklines at bankfull water surface elevation.

Table 4.47: Centerline Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
none 2

4.4.18 Regular Cross Sections

The 11 - XS Layout tool is used to create a regularly spaced cross section xs_* polyline feature class using these instructions from the user manual. Cross sections are polyline feature classes drawn perpendicular to the flowline feature and are long enough to extend across some portion of the channel and floodplain. Cross section features are used to define channel cross section dimensions. Regular cross sections are spaced equal distances longitudinally along the flowline. Regularly spaced cross sections are used to sample conditions within a stream reach to display a continuous series of values and calculate aggregate stream values.

Table 4.48: Regular Cross Section Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1
Seq short The cross section unique identifier. 1
x_start double The x-coordinate value at the start of the cross section. linear units of fc 1
y_start double The y-coordinate value at the start of the cross section. linear units of fc 1
x_end double The x-coordinate value at the end of the cross section. linear units of fc 1
y_end double The y-coordinate value at the end of the cross section. linear units of fc 1
Watershed_Area_SqMile double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 1
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 1
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1
km_to_mouth double The distance to the mouth of the site. kilometers 1
loop long The loop number. 3
bend long The bend number. 3

4.4.19 Riffle Cross Sections

Riffle cross sections (i.e., riffle_floodplain, riffle_channel) are a unique type of cross section manually drawn by the analyst within a riffle stream feature using these instructions from the user manual. In contrast to regularly spaced cross sections that are delineated by a script, riffles irregularly spaced along a stream and are manually drawn by a GIS analyst. Analysts are trained to identify riffles using a set of guidelines from the literature and interpretation of the DEM and aerial imagery. The riffle_floodplain polyline feature class is drawn longitudinally within riffle features and extend laterally across the active floodplain. The riffle_channel polyline feature class is also drawn longitudinally within riffle features, but only extend laterally across the bankfull channel area.

Table 4.49: Riffle Floodplain Riffle Channel Cross Section Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 2
Seq short The cross section unique identifier. 2
Watershed_Area_SqMile double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 2
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 2
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 2
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 2
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 2
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 2
Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 2
km_to_mouth double The distance to the mouth of the site. kilometers 2
loop long The loop number. 3
bend long The bend number. 3

4.4.20 Cross Section Points

The 14 - XS Points tool creates the *_points points feature class using these instructions from the user manual for Level 1 and Level 2. Cross sections polyline feature classes (i.e., regularly spaced cross sections and riffle cross sections: riffle_floodplain, riffle_channel) can be converted to a set of regularly spaced points along the cross section. These points are used to store elevation and route position (lateral stream stationing) information for a cross section feature class. Cross section points are used to calculate a series of cross section dimensions.

Table 4.50: Cross Section Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 1,2
Seq short The cross section unique identifier. 1,2
Watershed_Area_SqMile double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 1,2
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1,2
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 1,2
POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude). linear units of fc 1,2
POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude). linear units of fc 1,2
POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position). linear units of fc 1,2
POINT_M_units text The units of the POINT_M field. 1,2
km_to_mouth double The distance to the mouth of the site. kilometers 1,2
DEM_Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1,2
dem_units double The units of theDEM_Z field. 1,2
Detrend_DEM_Z double The z-coordinate value on the detrended raster. feet, detrended 1,2
loop long The loop number. 3
bend long The bend number. 3

4.4.21 Cross Section Dimensions

Cross section dimension polyline feature classes are used to store the hydraulic dimensions calculated for each cross section. Since the FluvialGeomorph workflow is divided into three levels, cross section dimensions are calculated at each level. Each level allows for an increasingly complex set of dimensions to be calculated, with each level building on the complexity of the previous level. There are three cross section dimension feature classes, one for each level *_dims_L1, *_dims_L2, and *_dims_L3. Cross section dimensions are calculated using the following tools:

Cross section dimensions can be calculated for the various types of cross sections (regular cross sections or riffle cross sections). The name of the cross section feature for which dimensions were calculated is prepended to the output dimension feature class. Metrics calculated at previous levels are included in the attribute table of each dimension feature class. Therefore, to avoid repetition only the new fields calculated at each level are included in the tables of fields in this section. The attributes of the original cross section feature class are also omitted since they depend on the cross section type used.

Table 4.51: Level 1 Cross Section Dimension Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
z_smooth double The smoothed z-coordinate value (elevation). feet, NAVD88 1
upstream_x double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the next upsteam cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
upstream_y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the next upsteam cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_x double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the next downsteam cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the next downsteam cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
upstream_z double The z-coordinate value (elevation) of the next upstream cross section in the moving window. feet, NAVD88 1
downstream_z double The z-coordinate value (elevation) of the next downstream cross section in the moving window. feet, NAVD88 1
upstream_m double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the next upstream cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
downstream_m double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the next downstream cross section in the moving window. linear units of fc 1
rise double The elevation difference between the downstream and upstream cross section in the moving window. feet 1
run double The longitudinal distance along the flowline between the downstream and upstream cross sections in the moving window. feet 1
stream_length double The longitudinal distance along the flowline between the downstream and upstream cross sections in the moving window. feet 1
valley_length double The longitudinal distance along the valleyline between the downstream and upstream cross sections in the moving window. feet 1
sinuosity double The sinuosity of the stream within the moving window (valley_length/stream_length). 1
sinuosity_gte_one double The sinuosity metric, values greater than or equal to one. 1
slope double The slope of the stream within the moving window (rise/run). degree 1
slope_gte_zero double The slope metric, values greater than of equal to zero. degree 1
Table 4.52: Level 2 Cross Section Dimension Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
bankfull_elevation double The detrended elevation of the water surface at bankfull discharge. feet, detrended 2
drainage_area double The upstream watershed drainage area. square miles 2
xs_area double The cross sectional area at the estimated bankfull water surface elevation. square feet 2
xs_width double The cross section width at the estimated bankfull water surface elevation. square feet 2
xs_depth double The cross section depth at the estimated bankfull water surface elevation. square feet 2
discharge double The stream discharge. cubic m/s 2
fp_area double The cross sectional area at the estimated floodprone water surface elevation. square feet 2
fp_width double The cross section width at the estimated floodprone water surface elevation. feet 2
fp_depth double The cross sectional depth at the estimated floodprone water surface elevation. feet 2
xs_width_depth_ratio double The width to depth ratio. 2
xs_width_depth_ratio_gte_one double The width to depth ratio metric, gteater than or equal to one. 2
xs_entrenchment_ratio double The entrenchment ratio. 2
xs_entrenchment_ratio_gte_one double The entrenchment ratio metric, greater than or equal to one. 2
watersurface_elev double The as-measured water surface elevation. feet, NAVD88 2
bankfull_elev double The estimated bankfull water surface elevation. feet, NAVD88 2
floodprone_elev double The estimated floodprone water surface elevation. feet, NAVD88 2
xs_mean_depth double The cross section mean depth at the estimated bankfull water surface elevation. feet 2
shear_stress_density double The fluid shear stress, calculated using the density of water. kg/m^2 2
shear_stress_density_gte_zero double The fluid shear stress density metric, greater than or equal to zero. kg/m^2 2
shear_stress_weight double The fluid shear stress, calculated using the specific weight of water. lb/ft^2 2
shear_stress_weight_gte_zero double The fluid shear stress specific weight metric, greater than or equal to zero. lb/ft^2 2
shear_stress_lane double The fluid shear stress, calculated using the Lane’s Balance method. 2
shear_stress_lane_gte_zero double The fluid shear stress Lane’s metric, greater than or equal to zero. 2
unit_stream_power double The unit stream power. kg/m/s 2
unit_stream_power_gte_zero double The unit stream power metric, greater than or equal to zero. kg/m/s 2
Table 4.53: Level 3 Cross Section Dimension Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
bend_num double The bend number. 3
bend_POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the center of the bend. linear units of fc 3
bend_POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the center of the bend. linear units of fc 3
loop_POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the center of the loop. linear units of fc 3
loop_POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the center of the loop. linear units of fc 3
bend_radius double The radius of the bend. linear units of fc 3
meander_length double The meander length. feet 3
meander_width double The meander width. feet 3
rc_bfw_ratio double The radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio. 3
rc_bfw_ratio_lte_30 double The radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio less than or equale to 30. 3
mbw_bfw_ratio double The meander bend width to bankfull width ratio. 3
mbw_bfw_ratio_lte_30 double The meander bend width to bankfull width ratio less than or equal to 30. 3

4.4.22 Bankfull Area

The 08 - Water Surface Extent tool is used to create the bankfull_area polygon feature class using these instructions from the user manual. The bankfull_area polygon feature class represents the channel area typically inundated during bankfull events. The detrend raster dataset is used to interactively “flood” the channel to define this extent.

Table 4.54: Bankfull Area Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
Id long The polygon unique identifier. 2
gridcode long Indicates if a polygon is innundated at the specified detrended elevation (1 = innundated, 0 = not innundated). 2
Shape_Area double Area of the polygon. linear units of fc 2

4.4.23 Banklines

The banklines feature class is manually created from the bankfull_area using these instructions from the user manual. The banklines polyline feature class represents the stream banks at bankfull. The edge of the bankfull_area polygon features are used to create to banklines, one representing the left descending bank and another the right descending bank.

Table 4.55: Banklines Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 2
bank_id long Bankline numeric unique identifier. 2
bank text Bankline text unique identifier (one of “left descending” or “right descending”). 2
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the bankline. 2
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the bankline. 2

4.4.24 Bankline Points

The 14b - Bankline Points tool creates the bankline_points point feature class using these instructions in the user manual. The bankline_points point feature class is a set of regularly spaced point features located along each banklines feature. These points are used to store elevation and route position (longitudinal bankline stationing) information for each bankline.

Table 4.56: Bankline Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 3
bank_id long Bankline numeric unique identifier. 3
bank text Bankline text unique identifier (one of “left descending” or “right descending”). 3
bank_POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the bankline point. linear units of fc 3
bank_POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the bankline point. linear units of fc 3
bank_POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the bankline point. linear units of fc 3
DEM_Z double The z-coordinate value (elevation) of the bankline point. feet, NAVD88 3
loop long The loop number. 3
bend long The bend number. 3
position text The planform location indicator. Indicates if a bankline point represents the “start” of a loop bend, the “end” of a loop bend, or the “apex” of a loop. 3
valley_POINT_X double The x-coordinate value (longitude) of the closest point on the valley line. linear units of fc 3
valley_POINT_Y double The y-coordinate value (latitude) of the closest point on the valley line. linear units of fc 3
valley_POINT_M double The m-coordinate value (route position) of the closest point on the valley line. linear units of fc 3

4.4.25 Valleyline

The valleyline is created using these instructions from the user manual. The valleyline polyline feature class represents the trend line of the down-valley axis. It bisects stream meanders as the stream swings from side to side across its floodplain.

Table 4.57: Valleyline Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 3
from_measure double The start longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 3
to_measure double The end longitudinal stationing value for the reach. kilometers 3

4.4.26 Loop Points

The loop_points point feature class is manually created by the analyst using these instructions from the user manual. The loop_points point feature class is used to store the longitudinal extents of loops and bends used for planform analysis. Within the FluvialGeomorph toolbox, the term “loop” is defined as a single meander as it swings across the valleyline. Moving downstream along a single loop, once the stream swings substantially across the valleyline, another loop begins. The point of maximum distance of a flowline from the valeyline (laterally across the floodplain) defines a loop “apex.” Moving to a finer scale, “bends” are defined as stream undulations within a particular loop. Therefore, a single loop may contain many bends. These loop and bend extents and loop apices are used to calculate a set of planform dimensions.

Table 4.58: Loop Points Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
ReachName text Name of the reach. 3
loop long The loop number. 3
bend long The bend number. 3
position text The planform location indicator. Indicates if a bankline point represents the “start” of a loop bend, the “end” of a loop bend, or the “apex” of a loop. 3

4.4.27 Features

The features point feature class is created manually by the analyst using these instructions in the user manual. The features point feature class is used to identify and label key stream features and their longitudinal position. Instances of features typically include relevant tributaries, localities, and infrastructure built within the floodplain affecting flow.

Table 4.59: Features Fields.
Field Name Type Description Units Level
Name text Name of the stream feature. 1
km_to_mouth double The distance to the mouth of the site. kilometers 1

4.5 Reports

FluvialGeomorph produces a series of reports that help to define stream conditions.

4.5.1 Graph - Longitudinal Profile Compare

This graph is produced using the Graph - Longitudinal Profile Compare tool.

Longitudinal Profile Plot.

Figure 4.31: Longitudinal Profile Plot.

4.5.2 Report - L1

Purpose - The Level 1 Report contains a set of maps and graphs that describe the channel as measured from the LiDAR derived DEM. This report is produced using the Report - L1 tool using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This report is created by the R Markdown parameterized report in the R package fluvgeo/reports/level_1_report.Rmd.

This report contains the following sections:

  • Study Area Overview - This section provides an overview of the study area reach.
    • Reach Overview Map - A reach overview map displaying cross section locations over an aerial image and/or a medium resolution DEM with multi-direction shaded relief. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_overview.
  • Longitudinal Profile - This section displays the elevation (y-axis) of the stream reach along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream (typically referred to as a longitudinal profile).
  • Cross Section Metrics - This section displays metrics for the cross sections of a stream reach.
    • Cross Section Metrics Plot, Level 1 - This stream reach metrics graph displays the Level 1 metrics on a faceted graph. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metrics_plot_L1.
  • Cross Section Profiles - This section displays a focused view of the characteristics of each individual cross section in the stream reach.
    • Cross Section Map - This map displays the extent of a single cross section in plan view with a DEM background. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_xs.
    • Cross Section Profile Compare Plot - This graph displays a single regularly spaced cross section in profile view comparing the elevations from multiple surveys if provided. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_compare_plot_L1.
Level 1 Report.

Figure 4.32: Level 1 Report.

4.5.3 Report - L2 Estimate Bankfull

Purpose - The Estimate Bankfull Report is used to help estimate the bankfull water surface elevation for an ungaged stream with the assistance of regional curves and visual observation of geomorphic indicators from LiDAR surveys. This report is produced using the Report - L2 Estimate Bankfull tool using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This report is created by the R Markdown parameterized report in the R package fluvgeo/reports/estimate_bankfull_report.Rmd.

This report contains the follow sections:

  • Study Area Overview - This section provides an overview of the study area reach.
    • Reach Overview Map - A reach overview map displaying cross section locations over an aerial image and/or a medium resolution DEM with multi-direction shaded relief. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_overview.
  • Bankfull Elevation Sensitivity Analysis - This section performs a sensitivity analysis of the directly measured reach-wide channel dimensions compared to the regional curve estimated channel dimensions.
    • Bankfull Elevation Goodness of Fit Graph - This graph is used to identify how similar this reach’s dimensions are compared to dimensions from several other regions at the current bankfull estimate. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::gof_graph.
    • Bankfull Elevation Dimensions by Region Table - This table summarizes this reach’s dimensions compared to several other regions at the current bankfull elevation. This table is created by code in the Estimate Bankfull Report, fluvgeo/reports/estimate_bankfull_report.Rmd
    • Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves Graph - This graph displays the channel dimensions of each cross section in the reach, along with the regional curve estimated dimensions. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::reach_rhg_graph.
  • Longitudinal Profile - This section displays the elevation (y-axis) of the stream reach along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream (typically referred to as a longitudinal profile).
    • XS Longitudinal Profile - This longitudinal profile graph is created using a riffle_channel feature class for the survey used to generate the bankfull estimate. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_profile_plot.
  • Cross Section Metrics - This section displays metrics the Level 2 metrics for the riffle cross sections of a stream reach.
    • Cross Section Metrics Plot, Level 2 - This stream reach metrics graph displays the Level 2 metrics on a faceted graph. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metrics_plot_L2.
  • Cross Section Profiles - This section displays a focused view of the characteristics of each individual cross section in the stream reach.
    • Cross Section Map - This map displays the extent of a single cross section in plan view with a high resolution DEM background. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_xs.
    • Floodplain XS Profile Compare Plot - This graph displays a single riffle_floodplain feature in a wide aspect ratio profile view to compare the elevations from multiple surveys if provided. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_compare_plot_L2.
    • Channel XS Profile Compare Plot - This graph displays a single riffle_channel feature in a square aspect ratio profile view to compare the elevations from multiple surveys if provided. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_compare_plot_L2.
    • Bankfull Elevation Dimensions by Region Table - This table summarizes this cross section’s dimensions compared to several other regions at the current bankfull elevation. This table is created by code in the Estimate Bankfull Report, fluvgeo/reports/estimate_bankfull_report.Rmd.
Level 2, Estimate Bankfull Report.

Figure 4.33: Level 2, Estimate Bankfull Report.

4.5.4 Report - L2

Purpose - The Level 2 Report contains a set of maps and graphs that describe the Level 2 channel dimensions calculated at the specified bankfull elevation, estimated using the L2 Estimate Bankfull Report. This report is produced using the Report - L2 tool using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This report is created by the R Markdown parameterized report in the R package fluvgeo/reports/level_2_report.Rmd.

This report contains the following sections:

  • Study Area Overview - This section provides an overview of the study area reach.
    • Reach Overview Map - A reach overview map displaying cross section locations over an aerial image and/or a medium resolution DEM with multi-direction shaded relief. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_overview.
  • Longitudinal Profile - This section displays the elevation (y-axis) of the stream reach along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream (typically referred to as a longitudinal profile).
  • Cross Section Metrics - This section displays metrics for the Level 2 dimensions calculated for the regular cross sections of a stream reach.
    • Cross Section Metrics Plot, Level 2 - This stream reach metrics graph displays the Level 2 metrics on a faceted graph. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metrics_plot_L2.
    • Width Depth Ratio Map - A reach overview map is used to display the width depth ratio values at each cross section for the reach. The width depth ratio parameters (i.e., metric definition, class break values and labels) are defined in this report using the R S4 class FluvialGeomorphicMetric. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_metric.
    • Width Depth Ratio Graph - This graph displays the width depth ratio values (y-axis) of the stream along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream longitudinally. This graph uses the metric class definition for width depth ratio defined for the previous figure. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metric_plot.
    • Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves Graph - This graph displays the channel dimensions of each cross section in the reach, along with the regional curve estimated dimensions. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::reach_rhg_graph.
  • Cross Section Profiles - This section displays a focused view of the characteristics of each individual cross section in the stream reach.
    • Cross Section Map - This map displays the extent of a single cross section in plan view with a high resolution DEM background. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_xs.
    • Regular XS Profile Compare Plot - This graph displays a single *_L2_dims feature in a wide aspect ratio profile view to compare the elevations from multiple surveys if provided. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_compare_plot_L2.
    • Bankfull Elevation Dimensions by Region Table - This table summarizes this cross section’s dimensions compared to several other regions at the current bankfull elevation. This table is created by code in the L2 Report, fluvgeo/reports/level_2_report.Rmd.
Level 2 Report.

Figure 4.34: Level 2 Report.

4.5.5 Report - L3

Purpose - The Level 3 Report contains a set of maps and graphs that describe the Level 3 channel dimensions calculated at the specified bankfull elevation, estimated using the L2 Estimate Bankfull Report. This report is produced using the Report - L3 tool using these instructions from the user manual.

Code - This report is created by the R Markdown parameterized report in the R package fluvgeo/reports/level_3_report.Rmd.

This report contains the following sections:

  • Study Area Overview - This section provides an overview of the study area reach.
    • Reach Overview Map - A reach overview map displaying cross section locations over an aerial image and/or a medium resolution DEM with multi-direction shaded relief. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_overview.
  • Longitudinal Profile - This section displays the elevation (y-axis) of the stream reach along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream (typically referred to as a longitudinal profile).
  • Cross Section Metrics - This section displays metrics for the Level 3 dimensions calculated for the regular cross sections of a stream reach.
    • Cross Section Metrics Plot, Level 3 - This stream reach metrics graph displays the Level 3 metrics on a faceted graph. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metrics_plot_L3.
    • Width Depth Ratio Map - A reach overview map is used to display the width depth ratio values at each cross section for the reach. The width depth ratio parameters (i.e., metric definition, class break values and labels) are defined in this report using the R S4 class FluvialGeomorphicMetric. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_metric.
    • Width Depth Ratio Graph - This graph displays the width depth ratio values (y-axis) of the stream along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream longitudinally. This graph uses the metric class definition for width depth ratio defined for the previous figure. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metric_plot.
    • Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width Map - A reach overview map is used to display the radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio values at each cross section for the reach. The radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio parameters (i.e., metric definition, class break values and labels) are defined in this report using the R S4 class FluvialGeomorphicMetric. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_reach_metric.
    • Radius of Curvature to Bankfull Width Graph - This graph displays the radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio values (y-axis) of the stream along its length (x-axis) beginning from the downstream end of the reach moving upstream longitudinally. This graph uses the metric class definition for radius of curvature to bankfull width ratio defined for the previous figure. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_metric_plot.
    • Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves Graph - This graph displays the channel dimensions of each cross section in the reach, along with the regional curve estimated dimensions. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::reach_rhg_graph.
  • Cross Section Profiles - This section displays a focused view of the characteristics of each individual cross section in the stream reach.
    • Cross Section Map - This map displays the extent of a single cross section in plan view with a high resolution DEM background. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::map_xs.
    • Regular XS Profile Compare Plot - This graph displays a single *_L3_dims feature in a wide aspect ratio profile view to compare the elevations from multiple surveys if provided. This figure is produced by the R function fluvgeo::xs_compare_plot_L2.
    • Bankfull Elevation Dimensions by Region Table - This table summarizes this cross section’s dimensions compared to several other regions at the current bankfull elevation. This table is created by code in the L3 Report, fluvgeo/reports/level_3_report.Rmd.
Level 3 Report.

Figure 4.35: Level 3 Report.